PLC Strategies is happy to announce our expanded service offering. Aside from helping a General Council navigate the challenges of making changes to processes and technologies, we will now provide audit capabilities for processes, IT technologies and PCI compliance. In addition, if the company has sustained any negative publicity, we’ll review both business and personal digital brands associated with the company and its key leaders. Our service offering now includes:
LEGACY SYSTEMS We assist the general counsel (GC) and/or the compliance officer to determine what legacy systems, processes or technologies need to be changed, the resources necessary and the realistic timeframes to ensure the changes are made and thoroughly tested.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT We serve as the program manager to the GC or compliance officer to ensure that any and all items outlined in a consent decree or consent order are completed within their agreed to timelines thus removing any internal politics and increasing prioritization.
REQUIREMENTS OVERSITE We provide oversight and definition of regulatory and IT requirements identification as it relates to systems and processes identified in the consent order.
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES We provide current guidance on IT and cyber security policies and procedures.
RISK ASSESSMENTS AND AUDITS We conduct technology risk assessments and focused technology audits.
PROCESSES We review current processes impacted and determine where improvements can be made as it relates to post litigation compliance matters.
COMMUNICATIONS We provide communications and training to address compliance weaknesses.
PCI ASSESSMENT We conduct Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance assessment preparation.
DIGITAL REPUTATION We assess the damage done to the digital reputation of the business and the leadership team. We audit and analyze your digital brand by focusing on your social media profiles and strategy, your social media content, and your website content (including blog) and make refinements where necessary.